Jess Janda

Antibiotics Side Effects - Jess Janda

Antibiotics Side Effects (& Their Impact on Gut Health)

In this episode I will help you understand antibiotics side effects and their impact on gut health.

6 years ago my life drastically changed after a round of heavy duty antibiotics.

AT THAT TIME, NO ONE EXPLAINED TO ME THE possibility of experiencing antibiotics side effects and their negative impact on gut health.

We were on a volunteer trip to Guatemala where we were helping to a build zero waste school and a food garden for a local orphanage. A trip of a lifetime really.

We had stopped at Lake Atitlan for some recharge time in between projects where we were repeatedly warned not to drink the water or eat any fruits and veggies washed in the local water. Unfortunately for us we stopped at a local juice bar despite the warning. Cheers.

Lake Atitlan - Jess Janda

It would take 3 1/2 years of going down endless rabbit holes to figure out that I needed to do a targeted intervention to restore the beneficial gut bacteria and heal my gut lining after it was destroyed by that round of antibiotics.

But what does mean exactly and how does one do that?

Not one of the doctors or holistic health practitioners I saw inquired about antibiotic use.

Now, it’s the very 1st question I ask my clients.

Understanding antibiotics side effects, their impact on gut health and how to restore gut flora after antibiotics during and after a round of antibiotics changed the course of my life and it can do the same for you.

In this episode you will learn:

And how understanding antibiotics side effects and their impact on gut health will help you get your health back on the right tract!

To fully understand antibiotics side effects, their impact on gut health and how to restore gut flora after antibiotics during and after a round of antibiotics follow the steps outlined in My Top 5 Hacks (link above):


Antibiotics side effects and their impact on gut health

Antibiotics are one of the most important medical advancements of the last 50 years. They are powerful drugs used to treat infections caused by bacteria. The roll of this class of drugs is to kill off bacteria infections in the gut. However, during the process it kills off both good and bad bacteria which can lead to additional health conditions if there is not an intervention done to repopulate the gut with beneficial bacteria during and after the round of antibiotics. 

So many of my clients come to me with similar stories … my health drastically changed after a round (or several rounds) of antibiotics. And their symptoms are always so similar:



The process of restoring gut flora after antibiotics to reduce the possibility of antibiotics side effects

The medical community is catching on to this which is great to see. They are now recommending that their patients take a good probioitic as part of the repairing process. That’s great however there is more to restoring gut flora after antibiotics than just taking a good probiotic:


How to effectively take probiotics alongside antibiotics to Mitigate possible Antibiotics side effects

During a course of antibiotics

When it comes to taking probiotics during a course of antibiotics it important to stay around the 20 B CFU range (colony forming units). Anything more is overkill. Its also imperative that you space taking the antibiotics and probiotics 4 hours a part. If you can take one in the morning and one at night even better.

After a course of antibiotics

After the course of antibiotics you can drop down to the 10 B CFU range (colony forming units). 10 B is considered the sweet spot when it comes to probiotics. I also recommend that my clients to take the probiotics strains shown to improve mental wellness is the morning and the probiotics strains shown to improve overall digestive health in the evening before bed.


Which probiotics strains are beneficial to take during and after a round of antibiotics

ts imperative to replenish the gut with a good diversity of probiotic strains. I always recommend a combination of probiotic strains linked to improve mental and overall health as listed below

Note: these 3 probiotics strains listed below ARE strong enough to endure stomach acid.

Lactobaciluus helveticus R0052

Decreases neuro-inflammation, improves serotonin metabolism, decreases anxiety, restores cognitive function, reduces inflammation, mediates serotonergic transmission – possibly eliciting anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and antidepressant responses.

Bifidobacterium longum R0175

Decreases stress response, facilitates antidepressant responses, decreases anxiety, and enhances cognitive function.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011

Reduces anxiety and depression, improves GABA neurotransmission (via the Vagus nerve).

Note: the probiotic strains listed below ARE NOT strong enough to survive stomach acid and therefore need to be taken in a acid resistant casing.

Bifidobacterium bifidum Bb-06

Maintains microflora balance by producing lactic acid and acetic acid to compete with “bad” bacteria (Staph, aureus, E. Coli, Camplylobacter jejuni etc).

Bifidobacterium longum Bl-05

Highly resistant to low pH and bile salts and is well-suited to the intestinal environment to help reduce inflammation. Helps reduce gastrointestinal discomfort caused by stress.

Lactobacillius acidophilus La-14

Ferments carbohydrates to lactic acid, which competes with “bad” bacteria for adhesion spaces on the intestinal mucosa. Increases mineral absorption and bioavailability (incl copper, magnesium, calcium and manganese).

Lactobacillus casei LC-11

Wide ranging benefits for improved digestion, reduced cholesterol, modulation of inflammation and allergies.

Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-32

Promotes general GI health and function especially to support occasional diarrhea and constipation after probiotic treatment.


How to match the Probiotic strain (living organism) to the correct Prebiotic fiber (organism food source)

ts imperative to understand that probiotic strain (living organism) needs to be matched to the correct prebiotic fiber (its preferred food source) in order for the living organism to be able stay alive and flourish. Most people miss this step and its where so many people end up not getting the intended results and flushing their hard earned $$ down the drain.

Think of it this way … you wouldn’t feed steak to an elephant, who’s an herbivore right? Same goes for feeding grass to a lion, a carnivore, who’s preferred food source is meat.

Here is a quick reference guide on how to match probiotics to their correct food source, prebiotics:

How to match probiotics and prebiotics - Jess Janda

How to repair gut lining/leaky gut after antibiotics

Antibiotics and medications can lead to permeability (holes) in the gut lining often referred to as leaky gut. If you’ve ever experienced the sudden onset of food intolerance’s, auto-immune or mental health conditions leaky gut is the 1st thing you need to address.

Leaky gut causes an inflammation cascade throughout the body as bacteria and toxins are able to “leak” through the intestinal wall and into the blood stream.

This can easily be repaired by giving the body the key nutrients needed to repair gut lining that can often be in short supply in a compromised gut. These nutrients include zinc, alpha and beta glucans, antioxidants (e.g. vitamins A, C, and E), fish oil, and the amino acid glutamine.

Addressing leaky gut will also improve the production of your “feel good” neurotransmitters in your gut and help to optimize signaling (neurotransmitter, hormone and immune cells) between the gut and brain and across your body.

With every Episode of Jess Janda TV, I like to empower you with a POWERFUL FREE resource that you can download and incorporate into your life right away.

This week I’ve put together a resource called My TOP 5 HACKS That Will FINALLY Get You “IN THE ZONE” ALL DAY, EVERY DAY!

In it, I outline my step by step process to zap brain fog and fatigue and get your brain and body firing on all cylinders again so can show up fully for the the people that depend on you.

I’ve coupled it with detailed dietary and products recommendations which takes the guesswork out it every step of they way – no more countless hours spent on Google, elimination diets or wandering aimlessly through the supplement isles – it’s like having an EASY BUTTON.

Click the link below to download it!

Love & Light,




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Am I an Alcoholic?

And there I found myself, once again, Googling Am I an Alcoholic?  But no really, Am I an alcoholic? And the it dawned on me.

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