In this episode The Optimized Life Podcast, we’re talking all about how to use this time to optimize your financial wellness without guilt or shame.
For many people, conversations around money or our finances can bring up feelings of guilt and shame.
And yet if you truly want to live an optimized life, money is going to play a big part in that.
If you are feeling the nudge to live your purpose and redefine what financial wellness means to you, NOW is the time to act. It’s like the universe has paused the insanity to give us all time to reflect.
Episode 5: Optimizing Your Financial Wellness Without Guilt or Shame
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This show is about stories and strategies to help you optimize your health, your relationships and your business. We focus on keeping it simple and having fun.
Episode 5 Show Notes: Optimizing Your Financial Wellness Without Guilt and Shame
(2:34) How COVID-19 can be an opportunity for you
(5:29) Financial wellness starts with knowing your numbers
(6:28) More is never enough mentality
(11:26) How big do you want to play?
(13:20) Taking your power back and decoupling from societal conditioning
(6:40) The importance of how you feel while you are making money
(24:23) Conditioning of generation financial trauma
(33:10) Residual income: work smarter not harder
(45:00) Are you ready to optimize your financial wellness?
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It’s important to define what financial wellness looks like for you. If you don’t take the time to do this you will use other people’s or society’s definitions of it. Using societies definitely of financial wellness or “success” rather than using our own definition leads to feelings of guilt and shame.
Take time to sit in the feelings of what financial wellness means for you. Then have the courage to really know your numbers.
Jess’s Financial Wellness Journey
The journey to define this for myself came after the market crash of 2008. Before then I followed society’s definition of financial wellness and it almost killed me.
Prior to 2008, my definition of it looked like constantly striving for more. More money, higher job titles, bigger houses, more material things to justify the longer hours – because I deserved it, right? More degrees, more certifications. I liken it to Hungry Ghost Syndrome.
In Buddhism, the torment of intense desire that can never really be satisfied is depicted as the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. It’s the suffering that arises when due to unmet needs for love and safety, our desire becomes narrowed and fixated on substitute gratifications.
That was exactly what my life had become. Filled will self-pity and negative coping mechanisms such as drugs, alcohol, and bulimia.
In March of 2009, I decided to define what financial wellness looked like for me and walked away from my career designing and supporting trading systems for wall street to become an online mission-driven health and wellness entrepreneur.
For me, the very money-making activity needs to be tied to doing good. To lifting people up and improving the planet. Having the time and resources to do the things that fill up my soul. Doing well by doing good while having time freedom.
Amy’s Financial Wellness Journey
In 1999 I graduated from University of Texas in Austin and when graduated I knew I wanted to become a yoga teacher. I knew yoga made me feel some kind of way. To be in that room. To be sharing from that level.
And whatever I did to make money I wanted to feel like I felt when felt when I was in that yoga room.
And that to me is financial wellness
How we feel while doing something in order to make the make that we absolutely need in the world because money in the hand of good people creates amazing things.
For me, the very money-making activity needs to be tied to doing good. To lifting people up and improving the planet. Having the time and resources to do the things that fill up my soul. Doing well by doing good while having time freedom.
Many of us were taught that we had to go to college (which often meant going into significant debt) in order to get a good 9 – 5 job so that we would have financial wellness and security.
At the same time, we’re also taught that all of this hard work will allow us to save up for retirement and that once we retire, we can live our best life.
And yet now, many of us are finding that just isn’t true.
This “great pause” is the opportunity to recalibrate everything in your life that is no longer serving you to make the space for what does. This includes how you spend your time and how you create financial wellness.
Start by getting aligned with your values. Create YOUR definition of financial wellness. What does that really look like for you?
How much money do you really need each month?
What does your ideal bank account look like?
How would that feel in your body?
What are you doing for work that’s more in alignment with YOUR definition of financial wellness?
What can you let go that’s no longer serving you?
What can you simplify?
It’s in times of uncertainty that change-makers are born.
It’s when you are able to respond to the market with relevant solutions that your true purpose is revealed.
It’s in creating multiple streams of income that true financial wellness and security are created.
Until next episode! Stay optimized ya’ll!
Amy & Jess
The Optimized Life Toolkit
With every episode of The Optimized Life Podcast, we like to empower you with a POWERFUL FREE resource that you can download and incorporate into your life right away.
This week we’ve put together a resource called THE OPTIMIZED LIFE TOOLKIT!
In it, we outline exactly how to zap brain fog and fatigue, optimize sleep quality, balance stress response and get your brain and body firing on all cylinders again so you can show up fully as the CHANGE MAKER you were put on this earth to be.
Click the button below to download it!

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